A week later, after begging on our knees for mercy from the Very Separate House Insurance Department that looks after Mystery Discounts, we finally received signs of life via email. The wording was succinct: “I attached the updated policy document for you to review.”
A quick scan of the new policy document revealed a new monthly price, with no explanation on why or how it had changed.
In sum, and with exact numbers this time, the monthly rates over a three month period are below:
Dad and Mom’s rate was: $247.95 (August)
Mom and Estate of Dad’s rate was: $657.71 (September)
Mom and Estate of Dad’s updated rate, as of today, is: $204.27 (October)

We appear to have won this latest round or house insurance roulette, although we cannot tell you exactly how or why the rate dropped so dramatically again. One thing is certain- if I hadn’t mustered what little strength and determination I have left to advocate for Mom, the long-term outcome would likely have been far different.