Two Inspectors and a Security System Later

Today we finally had two City Inspectors out to check out the new air conditioner (A/C) at Mom and Dad’s. It’s an extremely painful topic as Dad had wanted the A/C so badly and never got to enjoy it. In fact, he had delayed going to the hospital at one point to ensure the system was being installed so he was available to help if problems arose. When I arrived to take over so he could head to emergency, he stayed on a bit to properly introduce me to the workers and do a formal handoff. Like always, Dad wanted to make sure we were properly cared for before looking after himself.

He was home for one night after not being admitted but my broken heart is not emotionally ready to talk about it except to say that the theme of “if you can stay warm you shall not perish from the cold” played a role in his last night at home.

Unfortunately the A/C will haunt us further as more work by the company is needed to fix it, then another City inspector will have to follow up. It is very discouraging that this extremely painful reminder of Dad’s last days will drag on for weeks more.

After a lengthy installation process fraught with problems, an alarm system is in place bringing peace of mind at Mom and Dad’s. Despite the stressful day, it is reassuring to know the house (including Dad’s precious book collection) is safe while Mom stays with us, and that she will be secure too when she is there.

The security system replaces Dad’s old security system, which had been installed on a window:

The sign was a loving nod to our beloved poodle of 18 years, Pepper. Here she is enjoying one of her birthday celebrations, likely in the early 90s, decked out in firefighter hat.

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