Do I dare disturb the universe?

We received a kind note from one of Dad’s many publishers today, one of many we’ve received over the past month, and just had to share. Everyone who came in contact with this remarkable person were almost always deeply touched by the encounter. He always took time to find meaningful ways to connect with others, find common ground, break new ground, share his own passions, and try to forge new connections between people and possibilities. I always marvelled at how he could connect with others from all backgrounds and walks of life. And those extra little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness; he selflessly gave so much. I fervently believe the world has not just a person, but an extraordinary man. Ah, how I wish I could shout it out to the world. I guess that is partly what this blog is, beyond my heart bleeding and the tears of infinite loss, I need to shout it out into the void. Dared dared disturb the universe, and the world was an infinitely better place because of him.

Below is an excerpt from the note. It’s simple, yet speaks to his character so deeply:

“My heart is heavy for you and your family. Know that you are all in my prayers.

Richard was such a wonderful man. He and I shared so many long conversations about literature and spirituality. He even sent me a signed copy of “Negative Capability”. He was the only author who ever sent me Christmas cards and the only author I would touch base with every so often to see how he was doing. He shared photos of the family and the children/grandchildren that he cherished so much. In fact, we exchanged emails not too long ago, so this news takes me completely by surprise.”

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