The day the freezer stood still (“Stop all the clocks”)

Mom and Dad began a newlywed adventure when Dad secured his first senior high english teaching job in Grand Centre and moved to Cold Lake. As food choices were scarce in the small town, they soon purchased a freezer to store more food options.

Below, a pic filled with promise and potential. Dad is driving their first car, a Toyota Corolla, and is approaching the entrance to the small town of Cold Lake- the beginning of a new life together.

The day after we buried Dad, we discovered that the steadfast Grand Centre freezer had failed, likely during the funeral. The motor simply gave out… and the coincidence seems almost too much to bear. It had served our family well. I’ve arranged for pick up tomorrow.

(“Stop all the clocks” – a line taken from WH Auden’s poem Funeral Blues”. Of late there has been a seizing up of machinery/technology around us)

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